Pantry Perfect Survival Chicken Noodle Soup

Pantry Perfect Survival Chicken Noodle Soup

In times of emergency, having a well-stocked pantry can make all the difference. And what better way to satisfy both hunger and a craving for comfort than with a hearty homemade bowl of chicken soup? Chicken noodle soup is an ultimate comfort food. Many grandmothers swear it cures a cold and fights the flu, and it can be a warm hug in a bowl in otherwise stressful times.

The best part is, all the ingredients used in this survival chicken soup are shelf-stable, making it a reliable and delicious recipe to add the rotation for your emergency food supply. Not only is it comforting, but it's also a filling and well-balanced meal that provides essential nutrients and all the macronutrients your body needs.

Basic Ingredients

With this "pantry perfect" survival chicken soup ingredients list, there's some wriggle room. Meaning – if you don't have all the ingredients on hand and in your pantry, you can omit, improvise, and use what you have. Soup is pretty forgiving in that regard. That said, it's always wise to have some specific recipes in mind and up your sleeve when it comes to your emergency food supply. If you'd like to be able to whip up a comforting batch of chicken noodle soup during a crisis, we recommend having the below ingredients so you're able to make a big batch of soup.

  • Survival Fresh Chicken - 2-3 cups. Lean protein satisfies your hunger and helps keep you energized.
  • Olive Oil - 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Chicken broth/stock - 8 cups. You can also use 1-2 bouillon cubes or 1-2 teaspoons of bouillon granules for every 4 cups of water. Adjust the amount based on your specific bouillon brand's recommendations, your taste preferences, and the saltiness of the bouillon.
  • Carrots - 1 can of sliced carrots. Canned carrots are easy to find in any grocery store.
  • Onions - 1 medium onion. Okay, okay, maybe we're cheating a little here, but when stored properly in a cool, dark place, onions are shelf-stable and last for months. Note: An onion that has sprouted is still safe to eat. It's only when they become mushy or moldy that it's a no-no. You can also canned or jarred onions to taste. Alternately, you can use dehydrated onion pieces or flakes for flavor, if that's what you have stored.
  • Celery - Curveball – a traditional mirepoix for soup bases, including chicken noodle, consists of the holy trinity of carrots, onions, and celery. However, canned or jarred celery stalk is much harder to come by than its mirepoix counterparts. Instead, we suggest using a half cup of dehydrated celery slices or about a tablespoon of dried celery flakes.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves, minced. Again, a slight cheat. However, if kept unpeeled and out of direct sunlight, a whole head of garlic can last 6 months at room temperature. A workaround in case you don't have any fresh garlic on hand is to use about a teaspoon of minced, jarred garlic. Please note that any jarred garlic should be refrigerated after opening. Alternately, you can add garlic flakes or powder to taste.
  • Herbs -Dried herbs work best here in terms of being shelf-stable, and you can use any or all of the following: a bay leaf or two, dried basil, dried oregano, dried parsley, and dried thyme. You'll only need a pinch of each herb you want to use, or about a half a teaspoon (adjusted to taste). Feel free to mix it up here and use what herbs you have on hand and like.
  • Egg noodles - 8 ounces. Egg noodles are the traditional choice for chicken noodle soup, but rotini pasta works great too. Feel free to use your favorite pasta or what you have stored in your pantry, even elbow macaroni or alphabet noodles.
  • Salt & pepper - To taste. If using a salty broth or bouillon, you may not need to add any additional salt at all.

Directions: 7 Simple Steps

  1. Begin by sautéing the carrots and onions in olive oil in a large Dutch oven or stock pot over medium-high heat. Cook for about 5 minutes, or until the onions soften, stirring occasionally. Add garlic and cook another minute or so, until the garlic is fragrant.
  2. Add the chicken broth, bay leaves, herbs, and pepper, and bring to a low simmer. Taste your broth and adjust the seasonings as needed. You may need to add salt or not, depending on your broth or bouillon.
  3. Add the celery, which will reconstitute in the soup.
  4. Adjust the heat to medium low and simmer the soup 10-20 minutes to develop flavor and make all the vegetables tender. You can add the chicken now to help develop flavor or at it towards the end since it's already fully cooked and only needs to be warmed through. Chef's choice!
  5. Stir the noodles into the soup and boil until done, 6-10 minutes depending on the type of noodles you choose, the package directions, and your desired firmness. Once the noodles are cooked and the chicken is warm, you're done.
  6. Remove the bay leaves and season with any additional salt or pepper to taste.
  7. Serve, survive, and enjoy!

Adding a Fresh Twist

With these shelf-stable ingredients, you can savor the comfort and flavor of this timeless classic whenever the need arises. That said, while this recipe was obviously designed to rely on your pantry and use non-perishable ingredients, you can always use fresh alternatives if you have them on hand. You can also add a bit of brightness or punch up the flavor by adding a sprinkle of fresh herbs or even a squeeze of lemon at the end.

Share Your Experience

If you make this "pantry perfect" survival chicken noodle soup, we'd love to hear about your experience and any variations or swaps you made. We also invite you to share your favorite canned meat or survival soup recipes with us. A delicious and nourishing meal has the power to provide comfort, lift your spirits, and fortify your mind and body so you can survive and thrive during challenging times.

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