5 Minute SHTF Survival Quiz

5 Minute SHTF Survival Quiz

Can you answer these 10 SHTF survival questions on your own without looking them up?

Hopefully you can, because if you find yourself in a “stuff hits the fan” situation tomorrow then this knowledge could mean the difference between life or death!

Take this quick quiz to see if you possess some of the most basic knowledge it takes to survive the first few days or weeks of a crisis scenario. Don’t worry if you have to look up the answers (we won’t tell anyone)…just share the BEST answers with everyone!

IMPORTANT: Leave Your Answers in the Comments Section Below and Bookmark This Page in Your Browser for Later!


1. What are the 4 basic requirements humans require for survival?

2. If you find yourself stranded in the wilderness, most experts agree that one of the requirements from question #1 is the first priority over the others. Which one?

3. How long can the average human live without food? How about water?

4. How much water does the average adult require per day?

5. What is the best tool for starting a fire?

6. A sharp, reliable ________ is arguably the single most important tool you can invest in for your survival pack.

7. A tarp should also be a part of every bug out pack because it has dozens of potential uses. Can you name the top 5?

8. How do you tell direction without a compass?

9. What’s an easy way to tell time without a watch?

10. Is it ever OK to drink urine for survival? Seriously — is it??

We’re looking to see who has the best answers to share with the Survival Center community, so sound off in the comments section below!

We know our readers are some of the “sharpest tools in the shed” so we can’t wait to see your responses to the questions in this SHTF survival quiz.

Be sure to also tag your Facebook friends in your comment so they can chime in with their answers too.


Published on by David Adams.
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1. Shelter, water, fire, food
2. Shelter
3. 4-5 weeks without food, 3-4 days without water
4. 32-64 oz depending on the amount of work and environmental conditions
5. Ferro rod or magnesium
6. Knife or axe
7. Shelter, Water Collection, Ground Cover, Camouflage, Litter to carry an injured person,
8. Sun and shadow position, needle and leaf makeshift compass,
9. Again, sun and shadow
10. If as a last resort and you have no water or no way to collect water. Unfortunately urine also has a lot of salt which would exacerbate thirst.


1. food, water, shelter , the ability to make fire
2. Drinking water
3. 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food
4. depends on your size but a gallon a day is a good bench mark
5. good ol’ butane lighter if u have one
6. fixed blade knife
7. tent , ground cover, water catchment accessory, poncho to pritect from the elements, wrap for flotation device
8. shadow tip method
9. shadow tip method
10. for a very short day or so only. By then, you must locate drinking water

Robert Leflore

1. Water, Shelter, Food, Fire
2. Water
3. 3-4 weeks for food & 2-3 for water
4. 2-3 Gallons
5. If no lighter, flint or 2 pieces of wood and string
6. Knife
7. Shelter, Water catchment, Carrying food & wood, Rain cover while searching for food, ground cover for food prep
8. Moss on trees during the day and the position of the sun, at night the the north star
9. Sun, if it is coming up or going down- North star, not sure
10. No, the toxins in it can kill you and it will dehydrate you faster

Carol Cook

1. Water, Shelter, Fire, Food. 2. Shelter. 3. 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. 4. At least 1 gallon. 5. Bic lighter. 6. Knife. 7. Shelter, ground cover, Rain catchment, Wind break, Heat reflector from fire. 8. By the sun and by the stars. 9. By the position of the sun. 10. NO!


1. Shelter, Water, Fire, Food
2. Shelter
3. Without Food: 3-4 weeks (perhaps longer).
Without Water: 2-3 days (but depends on conditions; could survive possibly a week).
4. Average Adult Water Intake: Men = 13-15.5 cups (about 1 gallon) / Women = 9-11 Cups (1/2-2/3 gallon)
5. Lighter (or Flint/Steel)
6. Knife
7. Shelter/Tent, Rain Cover, Water Collector, Ground Cover, Wind Breaker
8. Sun during the day. Locating North Star at night.
9. Can roughly tell using the Sun (or the North Star at night).
10. No (it will dehydrate you and expose you to toxins that can have adverse affects).

William Bennett

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