Healthy & Tasty Protein for any Emergency

What comes in a case of Canned Meat?
There are 12 cans per case of Mixed Canned Meat. We offer two can sizes: Jumbo 28 oz and smaller 14.5 oz cans.
All-natural meats that your family will be thrilled to eat. Delicious and tender with a shelf life of up to 25 years.
Fully cooked with only 2 ingredients; the meat, and a pinch of sea salt.
Each Mixed Canned Meat case includes:
- 4 Cans of Chicken
- 4 Cans of Beef
- 4 Cans of Ground Beef

How Can it Last Up to 25 Years?
Survival Fresh is guaranteed to last 5 years, but in proper cool, dark and dry storage you could get up to 25 years shelf life without refrigeration.
The process of canning the Survival Fresh meat is completely different than your typical grocery store can meat.
The heavy duty cans are filled with raw meat. A pinch of sea salt is added, and the cans are sealed and slow pressure cooked giving it the ultra-long shelf life with no added ingredients!
Us vs. Them: The Biggest Problem with Freeze Dried Meat
That Often Gets Overlooked
Stockpiling freeze-dried meat for emergencies sounds like a smart move, but there's a BIG problem that no one talks about - it needs to be rehydrated first, which can be a hassle and requires water (a precious resource in a crisis). Plus, in an actual emergency, who has the time for all that preparation?
This is why Survival Fresh Canned Meat is a crucial part of any pantry...
It's fully cooked and ready to eat right out of the can. No prep work needed, just heat and serve.
It's made with only two simple ingredients - meat and sea salt - compared to freeze-dried alternatives with a long list of additives.
In addition to its convenience, Survival Fresh is absolutely delicious and offers a comforting, nutritious meal for your family during tough times.
Each can contains a hefty 90+ grams of protein, making it an essential fuel source for your body during an emergency.
With Survival Fresh Canned Meat, you don't have to sacrifice taste, quality, or convenience in your emergency pantry.
It's the #1 best-tasting survival food and a must-have for any preparedness plan.
Don't waste your time or water rehydrating mediocre food - go with the all-natural, quality option that puts the "fresh" back into survival food.

Answers to all your Canned Meat questions:
How many servings does each 28 Oz can have?
When combined with other foods, one can is enough meat for approximately 4 meals. A "meal" consists of 1/3 meat and 2/3 from other foods such as vegetables, pasta, or rice
How can it last up to 25 years?
Survival Fresh is guaranteed to last 5 years, but in proper cool, dark and dry storage you could get up to 25 years shelf life without refrigeration.
The process of canning the Survival Fresh meat is completely different than your typical grocery store can meat. The heavy duty cans are filled with raw meat. A pinch of sea salt is added, and the cans are sealed and slow pressure cooked giving it the ultra-long shelf life with no added ingredients!
Do you offer any discounts or payment plans?
Discounts apply for multi-case purchases! Save when you buy 3, 5, or 10 cases of our delicious long-term-storage canned meat.
Survival Frog offers payment plans to help afford large purchases (and receive multi-case discounts). - ShopPay - 4 Payments: Interest free, no credit check (look for logo at checkout)
Why is canned meat more expensive than freeze dried foods?
Survival Fresh Canned Meats are considered “premium survival food” and cost more than your typical freeze dried foods. The 28oz jumbo cans and the unique cooking method give it the ultra-long shelf life. Most of our customers feel the price is justified with the amazing taste and health benefits.
Can I mix the meat with other foods?
Yes, it's easy to add to pastas, rice dishes or just about any other foods you are cooking to make it go further.
Do you have any recipes for the Canned Meat?
Not yet, but we like to say its “Recipe ready” so you can quickly add it to pasta or rice. It's easy to make hamburgers or tacos and ideal for casseroles.
How Do I Read The Manufacturing Dates?
Instead of expiration dates on the cans, Survival Fresh has “manufacturing dates” which are required by the USDA.
Each can has the date imprinted on the bottom of the can, however the numbers are a bit encrypted so we have the decoder ring instructions below. Each can has a manufacture date on the bottom of the can:
B 2018 B = Beef
2 = 2022 year
018 = 18th day of the year out of 365 that it was made
B – Beef
C – Chicken
3 – Ground beef
* For year 2011, 2021 and 2031, the Year will read “1” for all examples. These codes are created and mandated by the USDA and so we have no control over naming convention. We suggest writing the year purchased on the box.
See why it was the #1 Voted Best Tasting Survival Food